Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ironing Essay

A few students needed an optional summer assignment, so here it is. If I did not already talk to you about doing this assignment, please do not do it!

Have a great summer!


Read the short story "I Stand Here Ironing" by Tillie Olsen (you can get a .pdf of the story here) then write a 4-6 paragraph essay on the following prompt. Your essay must be typed using MLA format (you can find directions on typing in MLA format here). When you are finished, you can email the essay to me at

Be sure to attach the essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file and to ALSO copy and paste the essay into the body of the email in case the attachment doesn't open. Put your full name as the subject of the email.


A symbol is an object, action, or event that represents something or that creates a range of associations beyond itself. In literary works a symbol can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning. One symbol in Tillie Olsen's short story "I Stand Here Ironing" is the iron. Write an essay analyzing how the iron functions as a symbol in the work and what it reveals about the characters or themes of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.

Finally, be sure to avoid plagiarism. It is NOT OK to copy ANYTHING off of the internet. You can only include your own ideas and/or quotes from the story.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tomorrow and tomorrow with Sir Ian McKellen

Here is the YouTube version of the video we watched in class:

Tomorrow and Tomorrow video


The end of the year is almost here!

We are not having a final exam, instead your Independent Reading project presentation will be your final assignment. Here is the assignment sheet I passed out in class in case you need another copy:

Final Assignment

We will also have a test on MacBeth when we finish reading it. Make sure to take notes while we are reading. You will also want to study before the test, which will probably be on Thursday, May 22nd. You can read the entire play here:

MacBeth Full Text

OR you can read the NoFear Shakespeare version here:

No Fear Shakespeare: MacBeth

You can also visit the Sparknotes page for MacBeth - it has summaries, a list of characters, themes/symbols, etc.:

Sparknotes: MacBeth

The Sparknotes page also has a practice quiz which will help you prepare for the test:

Practice Quiz

and a 10 minute video summary here:

MacBeth 10 Minute video

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

MacBeth - Day One

You are supposed to read Act I, Scenes 1 & 2 before class tomorrow. Here is a picture of what I wrote on the board today in case this helps!

Introduction to MacBeth

And here is a link to the No Fear Shakespeare for Macbeth. It takes Shakespeare's original text and puts it side-by-side with a more modern version (this is useful if you are having major difficulties understanding what's going on):

No Fear Shakespeare: MacBeth

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Scottish Play!

Tomorrow we will go to the book room to pick up MacBeth! Here is a copy of the study guide (I will pass it out in class):

MacBeth Guide

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Antony's Funeral Speech from Julius Caesar

Your assignment is to write a short (one page only) essay on two different versions of Antony's funeral speech from Act III, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. You must compare one "reading" and one "video." Here are the choices:


Charlton Heston (1970):

The Royal Shakespeare Company, Ray Fearon as Antony (2012):

Marlon Brando as Antony (1953):


Ms. Naylor's reading/interpretation of the speech from class (you should have notes)

Adrian Lester's Antony from the BBC audio production (CD)

Your own interpretation/reading of the speech.

Here is the question (and the standard it is based on):

Compare two of the following: your reading of Antony’s funeral speech, a film version, and/or a CD version. How do the two versions differ? What words does he emphasize? What is his tone? What is the crowd’s reaction? Be sure to provide evidence from the text and/or the film/CD to support your answer.

(RL.9-10.7): Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized  or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden's "Musee des Beaux Arts" and Breughel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus).

The Assignment:

Write a one-page paper using MLA format. In your paper, answer the above question. Note that this is NOT a compare/contrast - you are only to focus on how the speeches differ. Make sure to answer ALL parts of the question and to explain your examples. You may work alone or with a partner (if working with a partner, put BOTH of your names on the first line of the heading, separated by a comma).

The paper is due on Monday at the beginning of class, but it is recommended that you finish by the end of the period on Friday (we will be in the computer lab), print it in the lab, and turn it in by the end of the period.

For more information about MLA format, see this previous post.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Benchmark Revision

Now that we are finished with the benchmark, I want to give you guys a chance to look at your essay (I will now call it the "draft") and see how you can improve it.

If you got a 3 on the draft, for example, it is probably because you were missing the personal example and/or that your thesis wasn't about identity. Now is your chance to change the thesis and add the personal example so you can get a 4, 5, or 6! The draft "grade" will not count for your class grade, it is just to show you where you are so you know how to improve for the final draft.

The final draft of your benchmark is also different from the first draft because you will be asked to type it, using MLA format. For more information about how to type in MLA Format, see below.

I will grade your final draft using the Analytic Rubric used by all teachers in our district to grade the benchmark. Essays will be given a holistic score from 1-6. I break down the 1-6 scores into the following grades (out of 100 points):

6 = 100 (A+)
5+ = 95 (A)
5 = 90 (A-)
4+ = 85 (B)
4 = 79 (C+)
4- = 74 (C)
3+ = 70 (C-)
3 = 65 (D)
2 = 55 (F)
1 = 45 (F)

A score of 3 or below is not passing. Be sure to read the prompt carefully.

Your essay must be TYPED using MLA format. Please do not ask me to print your essay for you in class. You can print it at home, in the computer lab, or in the library.

We will spend at least two days in the computer lab working on this assignment. Students who are absent should see me to find out about extra time.

Here is the prompt and the article:

And here is the rubric that will be used to grade your final draft:

Here is a previous post from my Senior class website about typing in MLA format:

Writing Essays in MLA Format

And here is a sample essay (it is not on the same prompt) written in MLA format. (Note that since the sample is saved in Google Docs, the page number is not in the correct place. Also, this is not a great essay - it is just meant to be a good example of MLA format):

Sample MLA Essay

(Of course, where this essay says "World Literature" you would put "English 4H").

See me if you have any questions or need help. Good luck!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Tomorrow (March 6th) we will write the benchmark essay. Here is a copy of the rubric used to grade these essays in case you want to check it out:

Analytic Rubric

Each essay will be given a score from 1-6. For the purposes of our class, this is the grade scale I will use:

6 = 100 (A+)
5+ = 95 (A)
5 = 90 (A-)
4+ = 85 (B)
4 = 79 (C+)
4- = 74 (C)
3+ = 70 (C-)
3 = 65 (D)
2 = 55 (F)
1 = 45 (F)
You can only get a zero if you did not do the essay at all, if it was written in a language other than English, if you cheated on or plagiarized all or part of the essay, etc.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Honors Essay Tutoring

Next week there will be essay tutoring at lunch on the following dates. I recommend that AT LEAST everyone who got a D or F on the last essay attend (everyone is welcome). Because this is one-on-one tutoring, you need to sign up in advance so there are not too many students showing up on the same day. The sign up sheet is posted on the board in our room. See me if you have any questions. We will be going over your last two essays (In the Time of the Butterflies and Madame Bovary) to prepare for the next two which will be before Spring Break.

The dates are:

Monday, Mar. 3rd
Tuesday, Mar. 4
Wednesday, Mar. 5
Friday, Mar. 6

Tutoring is only offered at lunch. If you cannot make it to any of these dates, see me and we can discuss an after school option.

See you next week!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Message for Parents and Students

Open House: A Celebration of Learning is scheduled for Thursday, February 13th from 6:15 to 7:45. It will be a busy night, so I will not be able to stay in my classroom the entire evening. Here is my schedule:

5:15 - 6:15: Appointments
6:15 - 6:40: Spaghetti Dinner (Cafeteria)
6:40 - 6:55: Yearbook table (outside the Student Bank/Moor Market)
7:00 - 7:20: Open Classroom (C224)
7:25 - 7:45: AP/Honors Night (Career Center)

If I don't get a chance to speak to you personally that night, here is a description of what to expect from this class for the rest of the year and some advice about how to succeed in English!

English 3/4H (10th grade Honors English):

Ms. Naylor's Period 3.

Semester Two FAQ:

Q: What are you studying now?

A: We are currently reading A Tale of Two Cities and Fahrenheit 451. For more information about these works, helpful links, handouts, etc. See my PREVIOUS POST. Students should also be reading their third outside read, which is due on March 14.

Q: What works will you be studying for the rest of the semester?

A: After Spring Break we will read Shakespeare's MacBeth, Gulliver's Travels, and another supplemental selection. We will also cover satire, rhetoric, and complete and outside reading project.

Q: Is there any extra credit available?

I do not offer extra credit. Occasionally you may earn a few points on a quiz or by going to a free school-sponsored event, etc.

Q: Do you accept late work?

Late work is not accepted, except in the case of an excused absence. See the ENGLISH 3/4H COURSE SYLLABUS for more information on this policy.

Q: What can I do to improve my grade in English?

A: Keep the following things in mind if you want to do well in English:

  • Come to class on time. If you are often tardy or absent, you will miss important instruction time.
  • Be prepared every day (bring your book, packets, pen, etc.).
  • If you are absent, bring a note and speak to me about what you missed. It is also a good idea to get the phone number and/or email of one of your classmates who can keep you informed on what you missed.
  • Ask questions whenever there is something you do not understand. You can ask during, before, or after class.
  • Participation in class discussion is essential and required for all honors students.
  • Check your grades regularly at
  • Tutoring and help with essays is available (usually at lunch) by request. See me. If you keep getting the same grade on an essay it is a good idea to come and see me about it!
  • Take notes/annotations when you read. Deep analysis of the text is required in this class and will prepare you for the future. You need to "read with your mind" not just with your eyes.
  • Study! is a good website to use when reviewing for a test or essay on a novel or play. Our class website (this one) has links to grammar and vocabulary websites, etc.

Q: What do I do if I have a question about grades?

A: You should check your grades regularly at - as soon as something is graded it shows up there. If you click on your grade for English, a detailed list of assignments and scores will pop up. Any score that looks like this: --/10 is for an assignment that has not been entered yet. A score of zero (for example: 0/10) means you did not turn in the assignment (it could also mean you turned it in late and the new grade has not been entered yet). I do not give zeros if you turn in the work - zeros are only for work that is missing.

Essays take at least a week to grade; it is a long and careful process. All essays that are turned in on time will be marked in the grade book with a checkmark until the grade is entered. Missing essays will be marked with a zero until the essay is turned in.

If you cannot check your grades online, you are welcome to see me before or after class and I can look up your grades for all of your classes. Please ask nicely!

Q: Should I take AP Language next year?

A: Yes! This class is preparing you to go into AP Lang. However, if you are getting a C or below in this class or if your schedule includes more than one other AP or Honors class next year, you may want to reconsider. Talk to Ms. Padilla in D207 for more information.

Q: What if I have another question that has not been answered here?

A: For other questions about our class, please refer to the COURSE SYLLABUS or contact me (email is the fastest way to reach me). My email address is listed on the syllabus.

Thank you!

Ms. Naylor

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Tale of Two Cities/Fahrenheit 451

We are currently studying Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities in class and reading Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury at home. Don't forget about the last of your three outside reads, too. It is due the day we get back from Spring Break!

Here is some information you may find helpful.

The READING SCHEDULE for the next few weeks. It is subject to change, but we should be able to stick to it pretty closely.


There is more to come!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Madame Bovary

The second semester is here and you have three texts to read. Our in-class novel is Madame Bovary, the supplemental read is In The Time of the Butterflies, and you should also be reading your third (and final) outside read which is due the last day of the third quarter. Here is some information that may be useful to you. Happy reading!

Here is the Madame Bovary POD & Annotation Packet.

Here is the Sparknote for Madame Bovary.

Here is the Madame Bovary reading schedule (Note that the Madame Bovary essay is actually on Friday the 2nd (Tuesday the 4th is the CAHSEE!):

Here is the Independent Reading list. Remember that you need to read one independent book from this list for quarter one, two, and three. You may choose a book that is not on this list ONLY if you check with me FIRST. You MAY NOT use Fahrenheit 451 as an independent reading choice. You MAY choose, for example, three distopian novels from the list and then ALSO do Fahrenheit if you wish. Keep in mind when choosing your works that they should all three have something in common.

Independent Reading List 2014.


The California High School Exam Exam will be on Tuesday, February 4th (English) and Wednesday the 5th (Math). Here is some information that can help you prepare:

This high school has a handy link to the CAHSEE study guides.

There is more to come!


The California High School Exam Exam will be on Tuesday, February 4th (English) and Wednesday the 5th (Math). Here is some information that can help you prepare:

This high school has a handy link to the CAHSEE study guides.

There is more to come!