Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tomorrow and tomorrow with Sir Ian McKellen

Here is the YouTube version of the video we watched in class:

Tomorrow and Tomorrow video


The end of the year is almost here!

We are not having a final exam, instead your Independent Reading project presentation will be your final assignment. Here is the assignment sheet I passed out in class in case you need another copy:

Final Assignment

We will also have a test on MacBeth when we finish reading it. Make sure to take notes while we are reading. You will also want to study before the test, which will probably be on Thursday, May 22nd. You can read the entire play here:

MacBeth Full Text

OR you can read the NoFear Shakespeare version here:

No Fear Shakespeare: MacBeth

You can also visit the Sparknotes page for MacBeth - it has summaries, a list of characters, themes/symbols, etc.:

Sparknotes: MacBeth

The Sparknotes page also has a practice quiz which will help you prepare for the test:

Practice Quiz

and a 10 minute video summary here:

MacBeth 10 Minute video